Fire Danger Period Permit - Victoria


You may need this permit if you intend to use fire during a declared fire danger period. You may also need this permit if you are undertaking a restricted activity and are unable to comply with the prescribed safety measures.

Activities that may require a permit include:

  • welding, cutting and / or grinding
  • heating and spreading of bitumen and similar substances
  • use of blow lamps or gas torches
  • use of a safety fuse in blasting operations
  • use of emergency flares at civil and military aerodromes
  • use of a flare at a petroleum fractionation plant, a gas plant or any plant of a similar nature
  • industrial heat testing
  • use of fire for loading, unloading or working bees (apiarists)
  • use of a fire in the open air for the cooking of food by a caterer
  • lighting a fire for the purpose of public entertainment (fireworks)
  • operation of a sawmill waste and refuse burner
  • use of LPG burners for hot air ballooning.

Permits will only be granted for necessary activities.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Please contact the agency to identify any eligibility requirements.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All Please contact the agency for more information.


Act(s) name

Country Fire Authority Act 1958 Victoria

Application process


The CFA states that applicants should aim to submit their applications by September each year.

Approval time

One week

Additional information

Fire danger period permits are only applicable for land within the country area of Victoria. The country area of Victoria may include outer metropolitan Melbourne suburbs but does not include the Metropolitan Fire District (MFB), any forest, national park or protected public land.

Fire restrictions in fire protected areas are prescribed by legislation during seasonal Prohibited Periods. Permits to burn in these areas must be obtained. Fire protected areas are areas within the country area of Victoria and within 1.5km of forests, national park or protected public land. The list of places where the Prohibited Period applies can be found on the Forest Fire Management Victoria website.

Administering agency

Country Fire Authority

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.