You may be required to comply with this standard if you operate a business that is classed as a specialist disability service.
A specialist disability service is any of the following:
- Services that provide accommodation support to enable disadvantaged persons to remain in their existing accommodation or to move to more suitable accommodation (for example: residential care services, centre based care services, respite care, or tenancy assistance)
- Services that provide assistance to enable disadvantaged persons to participate in school or educational programs
- Behaviour support services
- Early intervention support services
- Personal care services
- Transport services (for example: special needs transport, travel training, transport assistance, and transport arrangements for the disadvantaged)
- Learning and life skills services
- Case management services
- Social support services
- Information and advocacy services
- Brokerage services aimed at purchasing the appropriate supports for individuals
- Community access programs.
Matters covered by the standard include quality of services and protection of personal information.