Trader Licence (Motor Vehicle Sale) - Australian Capital Territory


You will need this category of trader licence if you intend to engage in, or facilitate, the sale of motor vehicles. There are three subcategories covered under this licence. These are:

  • dealer (where more than six vehicles are bought, sold or exchanged in a 12 month period)
  • wholesaler (where vehicles are bought from a person and sold to a financier or licensed dealer)
  • car market operator (where the sale and purchase of vehicles is facilitated but not directly engaged in).

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this licence you must:

  • be at least 18 years of age
  • complete the online application form
  • have not contravened law
  • had no finding of guilt for fraud or dishonest conduct
  • have not contravened any conditions of your current or previous licence
  • have not been refused a licence in the past
  • disclose any experience in managing a company which has been insolvent
  • disclose any personal history of bankruptcy
  • pay the prescribed fee.

For a dealer or wholesaler licence, the applicant must also provide information regarding:

  • the entity's material and financial resources
  • the scope of the proposed business activity
  • any legal responsibilities which may arise through carrying out the business activity.

Requirements will vary if you apply for the licence as a corporation or an individual.


1 or 5 years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $772.00

Application for issue or renewal of motor vehicle dealer, wholesaler or car market operator trader licence - 1 Year. Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All $3494.00

Application for issue or renewal of motor vehicle dealer, wholesaler or car market operator trader licence - 5 Year. Fees for 2024-25

Act(s) name

Traders (Licensing) Act 2016 Australian Capital Territory

Regulation(s) name

Traders (Licensing) Regulation 2017 Australian Capital Territory

Lodgement process


Your completed application must be supported by the following documentation:

  • a copy of the advertisement where by you notified the public of your application in a daily newspaper circulating in the ACT within 7 days before lodging your application
  • an ACT Planning and Land Authority certificate for the premises where the applicant proposes to carry on business under the licence, dated not earlier than 3 months before the day the application is made
  • two written references as to the fame and character of the individual applicant.

Please note the consent for a police records check form must be lodged directly with the Australian Federal Police.

Approval time

3 to 4 weeks

Administering agency

Justice and Community Safety Directorate

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.