You will require this approval if you operate a regulated Australian ship for maritime transport purposes.
Australian regulated ships include:
- passenger ship that is used for overseas voyages (13 or more passengers)
- mobile offshore drilling units that are used on overseas voyages
- Australian ships that are capable of, or being used to carry, both passengers and vehicles for interstate voyages
- cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage or greater that are used for overseas voyages.
Ship Security Plans (SSPs) enhance Australia's maritime security arrangements by reducing the vulnerability to the attack of Australian ships, ports and other ships within Australia. SSPs must:
- address the risks and vulnerabilities identified through a security assessment process
- set out the security measures and procedures to control the risks
- set out additional security measures and procedures to be implemented at heightened maritime security levels.
Please note, regulated Australian ships to be used for maritime transport must also have an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) in force.