You will be required to comply with these orders and minimum performance standards if you intend to manufacture, design, install or repair specified articles, such as materials, parts, processes and appliances used on civil aircraft.
The minimum performance standard must meet an acceptable level of safety for the article. These orders outline guidelines for:
- Flight Data Recorder Interface Units
- Restraint System Automated Release Devices
- Airborne Mode A/C Transponder Equipment with Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Transmission Capability
- Airborne Stand-Alone Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Transmit Only Equipment
- Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System / Mode Select (ATCRBS/MODE S) Airborne Equipment
- Helicopter External Personnel Lifting Devices
- Airborne ATC Transponder Equipment
- Refrigerated Cargo Unit Load Container
- Life Preservers
- Dispatcher's Restraint Strap.