Australian New Zealand Standard AS / NZS 1660.5.6:2005 Test Methods for Electric Cables, Cords and Conductors - Australian Government


Note that this standard has been updated, and you will need to meet the requirements set out in AS/NZS IEC 60332.1.3:2017 Tests on Electric and Optical Fibre Cables under Fire Conditions: Test for Vertical Flame Propagation for a Single Insulated Wire or Cable - Procedure for Determination of Flaming Droplets/Particles.

You must comply with this standard if you are the operator of a Regulated Australian Vessel, or if you are the operator of a foreign vessel that is:

  • in an Australian port
  • entering or leaving an Australian port
  • in the internal waters of Australia
  • in the territorial sea of Australia, other than in the course of innocent passage.

The standard sets out the minimum requirements for electric cabling on board vessels, with emphasis on flame retardation.

Service type

Code of Practice

A code of practice is a set of rules which details how people in a certain industry should behave. A code of practice can be defined as a result of legislation or by industry regulators and bodies.

Act(s) name

Navigation Act 2012 Australian Government

Regulation(s) name

Navigation Regulations 2023 Australian Government

Administering agency

Australian Maritime Safety Authority

Ship Safety Division

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