Australian Parachute Federation Jump Pilot Authorisation - Australian Government


You will require this authorisation if you are the operator of an aircraft engaged in parachute training operations.

Parachute training operations include all flights where a novice or learner parachutist will be jumping from your aircraft. Please note that if you are the pilot of a balloon and you intend to have parachutists jumping from the balloon you must be the holder of a commercial or private aircraft (balloon) licence.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this authorisation, you must ensure that:

  • you have undertaken a Jump Pilot Authorisation course
  • you have successfully completed written and practical examinations with an APF (Australian Parachute Federation) approved examiner
  • you operate in accordance with the APF Jump Pilot's Manual
  • the aircraft you intend to operate has a current maintenance release
  • you hold the appropriate aviation licences
  • the aircraft you intend to operate is equipped with the necessary radio equipment.

To apply for this authorisation, you must first obtain a membership with the Australian Parachute Federation. To obtain membership, you must complete a M1 application form and send to Australian Parachute Federation for processing.


One year


30 June


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All Please contact the Contact Officer for details about the Jump Pilot Authorisation application fees.


Act(s) name

Civil Aviation Act 1988 Australian Government

Regulation(s) name

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 Australian Government


This authorisation is not transferable.

Administering agency

Australian Parachute Federation

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.