You may be required to comply with this standard if you intend to operate an airport lessee company, or if you are the occupier of an airport site. You are required to measure the level of air pollution and maintain the level under the acceptable limit. This standard is used as a method of air sampling to ascertain whether the amount of acids and acid gases not elsewhere specified in the Regulations in the air are under the acceptable limit. These pollutants are from any stationary activity that involves the burning of fuel.
This standard sets out a titrimetric method for the determination of acid gases (expressed as sulphur dioxide) in ambient air. The method is applicable to ambient air in which the sulphur dioxide concentration ranges from approximately 0.007 ppm to 3.5 ppm by volume (20 mg/m3 to 10 000 mg/m3). The method is suitable for determining acid gases in the atmosphere, preferably as an average over a 24-hour period at a particular location.