You will require this licence if you intend to explore in an area for potential greenhouse gas storage formations and potential greenhouse gas injection sites. A greenhouse gas storage title means one of the following approvals required for activities related to carbon dioxide capture and geological storage (CCS):
- greenhouse gas assessment permits
- greenhouse gas holding leases or special holding leases
- greenhouse gas injection licenses
- greenhouse gas search authorities
- greenhouse gas special authorities
- research consents.
These titles cover greenhouse gas (GHG) formation exploration, injection and storage activities, including:
- exploring the seabed or subsoil of the offshore area for a potential GHG storage formation or a potential GHG injection site
- the injection of a GHG substance into the seabed or subsoil of the offshore area
- the storage of a GHG substance in the seabed or subsoil of the offshore area
- the conveyance of a GHG substance across the offshore area.