Note that this standard has been updated and you will need to meet the requirements set out in ISO 1628-2:2020.
You may be required to comply with this code if you intend to import goods into Australia, and will apply for a tariff concession order. A tariff concession order allows you to import goods free of duty. It is available where there are no substitutable goods produced in Australia.
A tariff concession order may be available in respect of goods, other than S-PVC, which have the following characteristics:
- A mean granular size of at least 100 microns, and at most 200 microns;
- 95% by volume having a granular size of at least 50 microns and at most 300 microns; and
- A K value of at least 55 and at most 80, as determined according to this Standard.
This standard is referred to in the Catalogue of Australian Standards as ISO 1628-2:1998 Plastics-Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers-Part 2: Poly (vinyl chloride) resins. It specifies the general aspects of pipes and joints made of oriented unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (PVC-O) for piping systems intended to be used underground or above-ground where not exposed to direct sunlight, for water mains and services, for pressurised sewer systems and for irrigation systems.