Motor Dealer's Licence - New South Wales


You will need this licence if you intend to undertake business as a motor vehicle dealer in New South Wales. A motor dealer is a person who carries on the business of dealing in motor vehicles as a retailer or on a wholesale basis.

A motor vehicle is a vehicle that is built to be propelled by a motor, and includes:

  • a trailer that is over 250kg and is towed by a motor vehicle
  • any description of a vehicle on wheels, other than a vehicle used on a railway or tramway or an aircraft
  • any description of tracked vehicle, or any description of vehicle that moves on revolving runners inside endless tracks, that is not used exclusively on a railway or tramway.

The following types of vehicles are exempted from the Act and a licence is not required:

  • a crane, hoist or conveyor
  • an excavator, road grader, road roller, bulldozer or forklift truck or other machinery, that is not constructed on a chassis of a type normally used in the construction of a truck
  • a motor vehicle that is constructed or adapted for road construction or maintenance (including cleaning, sweeping or watering)
  • a vehicle that is not acquired for use principally for the transport of passengers or goods on public roads (other than a trailer or towable recreation vehicle)
  • a vehicle that is incapable of being registered (i.e. quad bike or segways).

Please note that licensed motor dealers are required to comply with the motor dealer's notice and record keeping requirements as outlined in the legislation.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this licence you must:

  • be 18 years of age or more
  • be considered fit and proper for the purposes of the licence (police records are checked by NSW Fair Trading and considered)
  • not be disqualified from holding a licence as a result of a disciplinary outcome
  • not be a controlled member of a declared organisation (refer to Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act 2012)
  • not been found guilty, within the preceding 10 years, of a motor vehicle stealing offence
  • not be bankrupt
  • have sufficient financial resources to enable the person to carry on business pursuant to the authority that would be conferred by the licence if it were granted
  • provide a statement to the effect that you have approval from the relevant local council.


One, three or five years


A licence will expire if it is not renewed by the due date. A reminder notice will not be sent to licensees. An application for restoration of a licence may be made within three months of the date a licence expires.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All -

Grant of licence - fees for one premises

1 year:

  • lodged online - $1824.00
  • not lodged online - $1851.00.

3 year:

  • lodged online - $2980.00
  • not lodged online - $3007.00.

5 year:

  • lodged online - $4803.00
  • not lodged online - $4830.00.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All -

Restoration of licence - fees for one premises

1 year:

  • lodged online - $743.00
  • not lodged online - $761.00.

3 year:

  • lodged online - $1898.00
  • not lodged online - $1916.00.

5 year:

  • lodged online - $3059.00
  • not lodged online - $3077.00.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All -

Grant of licence - fees for one premises (wholesale only)

1 year:

  • lodged online - $651.00
  • not lodged online - $678.00.

3 year:

  • lodged online - $1466.00
  • not lodged online - $1493.00.

5 year:

  • lodged online - $2279.00
  • not lodged online - $2306.00.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All -

Restoration of licence - fees for one premises (wholesale only)

1 year:

  • lodged online - $571.00
  • not lodged online - $589.00.

3 year:

  • lodged online - $1386.00
  • not lodged online - $1404.00.

5 year:

  • lodged online - $2199.00
  • not lodged online - $2217.00.

Fees for 2024-25

General Application All -

Further fees are listed on the attached fee resource.

General Duplicate Certificate All $57.00

Replacement licence. Fees for 2024-25

Renew Renewal All -

Renewal of licence - fees for one premises

1 year:

  • lodged online - $658.00
  • not lodged online - $667.00.

3 year:

  • lodged online - $1813.00
  • not lodged online - $1822.00.

5 year:

  • lodged online - $2974.00
  • not lodged online - $2983.00.

Fees for 2024-25

Renew Renewal All -

Renewal of licence - fees for one premises (wholesale only)

1 year:

  • lodged online - $486.00
  • not lodged online - $495.00.

3 year:

  • lodged online - $1301.00
  • not lodged online - $1310.00.

5 year:

  • lodged online - $2114.00
  • not lodged online - $2123.00.

Fees for 2024-25


Act(s) name

Motor Dealers and Repairers Act 2013 New South Wales

Regulation(s) name

Motor Dealers and Repairers Regulation 2014 New South Wales

Approval time

Please allow 28 days for your application to be processed.

Administering agency

Department of Customer Service

NSW Fair Trading

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.