You will need this approval if you intend to conduct certain activities or works on land administered by the Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust. Trust land includes:
- Centennial Park
- Moore Park
- the E.S. Marks Athletics Field
- the land formerly known as Sydney Showground
- Queens Park
- certain other lands (e.g. Tay Reserve and Drivers Triangle).
The regulations contain a complete list of all activities that require approval. The following are examples of activities for which you will require approval:
- collect or attempt to collect money
- sell or attempt to sell any papers, printed matter, food, article, thing or service
- sell or attempt to sell any tickets to any activity, ceremony or other event
- conduct or cause the conduct of an amusement, event, promotion, instruction or performance
- establish or operate a business
- organise or participate in, or cause to be organised, a public meeting, public function, public demonstration, public gathering or other public activity
- use television, cinematographic or photographic equipment for commercial or promotional purposes
- erect a hoarding, banner or notice, or display or distribute commercial, promotional or political advertising matter or a sign, bill, poster or other printed matter
- erect a sign or attach a sign to a tree, pole, rail or fence.
You will also need this approval if you require the granting of an easement through, upon or in the trust lands in order to:
- construct pipelines, lay or re-lay cables or construct any apparatus to be used in connection with those pipelines or cables
- provide access to dwellings situated on or within trust lands.