Approval to Dispose of Waste and Trade Wastewater - New South Wales


You will need this approval if you intend to undertake development or business that may produce trade wastewater. Trade wastewater includes:

  • wastewater produced at industrial or commercial premises
  • wastewater transported by vehicle, including septic effluent
  • wastewater from ships and boats
  • run-off from contaminated surface water and groundwater.

You must apply for this approval if you:

  • need a new water, recycled water or wastewater connection
  • want to change the size or location of your meter
  • want to put a pump onto an existing connection
  • want to change the amount or quality of wastewater you discharge
  • want to change the location of your water or wastewater connection.

To use Sydney Water's supply during construction and redevelopment, you must have an approved connection with a meter and backflow connection. Once you have completed all the necessary requirements and have the supporting documentation you may apply for a connection to discharge trade wastewater at Sydney Water Tap in.

Please consult the Sydney Water for more information.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

You must provide:

  • the property address or Sydney Water property number
  • the trading name of the business
  • a contact person at the property
  • the business activities that will produce trade wastewater
  • details about when you will start discharging
  • details about any existing pre-treatment or pre-treatment you plan to install
  • a site map that shows the property water and wastewater services
  • relevant details if you want to pump wastewater
  • evidence you have completed the required documentation.

If you want to use this application to make a new point of connection to Sydney Water's wastewater system you must also provide a plan that shows the total site area, ground floor layout and proposed points of connection to the wastewater.

Businesses that discharge industrial wastewater are required to provide:

  • a site plan
  • a plan of proposed drainage (for new buildings)
  • a description of the business processes
  • details of pre-treatment equipment (existing and proposed)
  • pump specifications
  • information about any open areas
  • information about chemicals used in your processes
  • details about how chemicals are stored on site.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

Businesses that discharge commercial wastewater and industrial wastewater may have different requirements such as:

  • the treatment of wastewater before discharging into sewer
  • inspections, including the collection of samples of trade wastewater
  • installing and using online monitoring
  • ensuring that you do not exceed daily mass limits for specific substances in wastewater discharge.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
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Please contact the agency for more information.


Other resources

Task Business Structure Resources
Apply All Application Requirements (Opens in new window)

Act(s) name

Sydney Water Act 1994 New South Wales

Regulation(s) name

Sydney Water Regulation 2017 New South Wales

Approval time

Sydney Water will assess your application within 21 days.

Administering agency

Sydney Water Corporation

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.