Building and Construction Industry Worker Registration - Long Service Leave - New South Wales


Building and construction industry employers need to register workers who are doing eligible building and construction work in New South Wales. Contractors are responsible for registering and recording their own service via a registered tax agent.

Employers are required to notify the agency within seven days of a worker commencing or ceasing eligible work.

This registration ensures workers who have performed work in the building and construction industry for 10 years are provided with long service entitlements, regardless of whether they’ve worked for multiple employers or as a contractor.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

You are eligible for this registration if you are a worker (whether an employee, contractor, apprentice, casual or labour hire) who performs work in New South Wales in the building and construction industry. The building and construction industry is the carrying out of construction, reconstruction, renovation, alteration, demolition or maintenance or repairs of or to buildings.

The scheme does not cover workers who are:

  • employees of Commonwealth, State, Territory or Local Government bodies
  • not performing eligible building and construction work
  • performing work not in the building and construction industry.

Examples of ineligible work include office staff, engineers, mechanics, truck drivers, surveyors, estimators and architects.


As specified


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

You do not need to pay any fees.

Act(s) name

Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Act 1986 New South Wales

Regulation(s) name

Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Regulation 2022 New South Wales

Administering agency

The Treasury

Long Service Corporation

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.