Conveyancer's Licence - Individual - New South Wales


You will need this licence to undertake conveyancing work for fee or reward. Conveyancing work is legal work carried out in connection with any transaction that creates, varies, transfers or extinguishes a legal or equitable interest in any real or personal property (for example, the sale or lease of land, sale of a business or grant of a mortgage). A full definition of conveyancing work is contained in legislation.

Note, this licence does not apply to the conduct of a conveyancing business by a person who is an Australian legal practitioner.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this licence, you must:

  • be 18 years of age or older
  • be a fit and proper person to hold a licence
  • have successfully completed the necessary educational and practical training and conveyancing experience as required
  • be covered by an approved policy of professional indemnity insurance
  • have not been disqualified under the Act
  • contribute to the Compensation Fund (this is paid with the licence application fee).

Please note, certain persons are disqualified from applying for a Conveyancer's Licence. These include Australian legal practitioners and persons who hold a licence or certificate under the Property, Stock and Business Agents Act 2002. Information on the currently approved Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy can be found in the Conveyancers Licensing Order 2006.


1, 3 or 5 years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All -

Grant of licence fees

1 year:

  • lodged online - $615.00
  • not lodged online - $641.00.

3 year:

  • lodged online - $1370.00
  • not lodged online - $1396.00.

5 year:

  • lodged online - $2124.00
  • not lodged online - $2150.00.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All -

Restoration of licence fees

1 year:

  • lodged online - $535.00
  • not lodged online - $553.00.

3 year:

  • lodged online - $1290.00
  • not lodged online - $1308.00.

5 year:

  • lodged online - $2044.00
  • not lodged online - $2062.00.

Fees for 2024-25

General Duplicate Certificate All $57.00

Replacement of licence. Fees for 2024-25

Renew Renewal All -

Renewal of licence fees

1 year:

  • lodged online - $453.00
  • not lodged online - $462.00.

3 year:

  • lodged online - $1208.00
  • not lodged online - $1217.00.

5 year:

  • lodged online - $1962.00
  • not lodged online - $1971.00.

Fees for 2024-25

Other resources

Task Business Structure Resources
Comply All Licence Application Guidelines - PDF (Opens in new window)

Act(s) name

Conveyancers Licensing Act 2003 New South Wales

Regulation(s) name

Conveyancers Licensing Regulation 2021 New South Wales

Approval time

Please allow at least 8 weeks for your application to be processed

Administering agency

Department of Customer Service

NSW Fair Trading

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.