Food Safety Management Tools - New South Wales


Food service, caterer and related retail businesses will need to meet new food safety requirements.

Standard 3.2.2A is a new food safety standard for these types of businesses that aims to improve food safety and support consumer confidence.

There are three food safety management tools in the new standard:

Some businesses already require an FSS. The change means that these businesses will also require food handler training (for all food handlers) and if they conduct higher risk activities, the evidence tool as well.

For other businesses, the FSS requirement will be new. The new standard extends the FSS requirement to most food service, caterer and related retail businesses that are currently exempted by NSW food safety laws. These businesses will require FSS and food handler training, and if they conduct higher-risk activities, the evidence tool also. Key examples are school canteens, delicatessens and institutional settings such as gaols.

Food Authority licensed businesses that do not conduct retail sale of food and one-off not for profit events will be exempt from the new requirements.

Service type

Regulatory Obligation

An obligation defined in law. A business must comply with relevant services.

Act(s) name

Food Act 2003 New South Wales

Regulation(s) name

Food Regulation 2015 New South Wales

Administering agency

Department of Regional NSW

NSW Department of Primary Industries

NSW Food Authority

Contact details

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