You will need one or both of these licences to operate (supply, organise or manage) a linked gaming system in hotels and clubs. Each licence is specific to either hotels or clubs.
A linked gaming system is a system where two or more specially approved gaming machines are operated in two or more separate hotels or clubs and are linked electronically to contribute a percentage of the money gambled on the machines to an accruing and separate jackpot pool. This includes any communications network, infrastructure and equipment that is subsidiary to or used in connection with the system.
You must not operate a linked gaming system in your hotels or clubs unless you hold an inter-hotel or club links licence. Each licence authorises you to install and operate linked gaming systems in accordance with the requirements.
Please be aware that before a licence is granted and becomes operational, you will require approval for specially approved gaming machines. An approved gaming machine is a gaming machine that complies with the guidelines for linked gaming machines and is of an approved class.
Each licence may be subject to conditions, for example in relation to the number of participating hoteliers / clubs involved and the number of approved gaming machines and approved jackpot games that may be part of either a hotel or club linked system.