Notification of High Risk Activities at Mines - New South Wales


You may need to notify the agency of any proposed high risk activity you intend to undertake at a mine or a petroleum site.

High risk activities have the significant potential for adverse safety outcomes if not planned and carried out carefully. For this reason, careful consideration must be given to the risks associated with the activity and the methods available to manage those risks. Examples of activities include:

  • electrical work on energised electrical equipment
  • development of new mine entry
  • working in inrush control zone.

Please see the application form or review the regulation for a detailed list of high risk activities as well as the notice period you are required to give for each activity.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible your notice must provide the following:

  • the nature of the proposed high risk activity, including particulars of how the activity is to be carried out
  • the proposed commencement date for the activity
  • the location of the activity
  • the hazards identified as having the potential to arise from the activity
  • an assessment of the risks associated with the activity
  • the relevant parts of the safety management system that describes the systems, procedures, plans and other control measures used to control the associated risks with carrying out the activity.


As specified


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

Please consult the Contact Officer for information on fees to be submitted.

Other resources

Act(s) name

Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Act 2013 New South Wales

Regulation(s) name

Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Regulation 2022 New South Wales

Lodgement process


To notify of a high risk activity, log into the NSW Resources Regulator Portal and complete and submit the high risk activity notification form.

Administering agency

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

NSW Resources

NSW Resources Regulator

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.