To be eligible for recognition as a Professional Engineering Body, the body corporate must have:
- a recognition or registration scheme
- the financial capacity and facilities to conduct assessments of qualifications and competencies
- the financial capacity to undertake independent and timely assessments.
A recognition or registration scheme must:
- provide for the assessment of qualifications and competencies of Professional Engineers in a class of engineering
- meet standards for the recognition of Professional Engineers, such as the Washington Accord
- have reasonable fees having regard to the scope of the services being offered
- include continuing education requirements and a process of auditing to ensure compliance.
- maintain a public website and complies with ongoing record keeping and auditing compliance.
If the recognised Professional Engineering Body is an organisation with a membership base, the Body must be open to assessing both members and non-members of the organisation.
Recognised Professional Engineering bodies will also need to ensure that Professional Engineers who they recognise comply with the requirements of the scheme. The body will need to have processes to resolve complaints, investigate misconduct, undertake dispute resolution and disciplinary action.