Registration of a Firearm - New South Wales


A person must not possess or use a firearm, prohibited firearm or pistol unless the person is authorised to do so by a licence or permit. All firearms used by licence and permit holders in NSW must be registered, except for firearms that are exempt from registration requirements.

A firearm is a gun or other weapon that is or was capable of propelling a projectile by means of an explosive, and includes firearms that fire blanks and air guns.

Please be aware that antique firearms (excluding antique revolvers) do not require registration in NSW. An antique firearm is a firearm manufactured before 1900 that is not capable of discharging breech-loaded metallic cartridges.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To register a firearm, you must:

  • be 18 years of age or over
  • have a genuine reason for possessing a firearm
  • hold a current firearms licence for the class of firearm that you intend to register
  • submit a Permit to Acquire application form for the firearm category you intend to acquire along with any required documentation
  • pay any required fees.

You will be required to provide information that will be kept on the register of firearms, including:

  • your current residential address and contact details
  • details of the premises where the firearm will be kept
  • the identifying number of any spare barrel that is capable of taking and discarding ammunition
  • particulars relating to the acquisition of the firearm.


Must Have

Firearms Licence


Until the firearm is sold (provided you still hold a current firearms licence).


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $10.00

Fees for 2024-25

Act(s) name

Firearms Act 1996 New South Wales

Regulation(s) name

Firearms Regulation 2017 New South Wales

Administering agency

Department of Communities and Justice

NSW Police Force

Firearms Registry

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.