You will need this licence if you are an overseas visitor, and you intend to hunt game and feral animals (accompanied) on public or private land in NSW. Game and feral animals include, but are not limited to:
- wild deer such as sambar and fallow
- game birds (other than native game birds) such as California quail and pheasant
- feral animals such as pigs, foxes and rabbits (private land only)
- ducks under the game bird management program.
There are two classes of licences:
- Restricted (Visitor's) Game Hunting Licence (R-Visitor)
- General (Visitor's) Game Hunting Licence (G-Visitor).
An R-Visitor's licence allows you to hunt on public or private land, provided you are in the company of a licensed individual or guide, and you have permission to hunt from the landowner. If you will only be hunting game birds on private land, you can apply for a G-Visitor's licence.
You must be accompanied at all times by a holder of a full NSW game hunting licence. This licence only allows the holder of the same authority of the accompanying licence-holder's type, for example:
- to hunt game animals on declared public land, the visitor must hold an R-Visitor's licence and hunt with an R-Licence holder or R-Guide licence holder
- to hut game birds on private land, the visitor must hold either an R-Visitor's or G-Visitor's licence and hunt with a licence holder as stated above, or with a G-Licence or G-Guide licence holder.