You will need to comply with this code if you intend to remove asbestos as part of your business.
You may achieve compliance with your legislative requirements through another method if it provides an equivalent or higher standard of work health and safety.
The code provides practical guidance in relation to duty of care, managing health and safety and the reduction of risk associated with asbestos removal work. Duties in relation to the safe removal of asbestos include:
- ensuring an asbestos removal supervisor is readily available or present when removal work is carried out
- complying with asbestos removal licensing requirements
- providing appropriate training to asbestos removal workers
- telling affected parties about the asbestos removal and providing them with information
- providing health monitoring to workers if they are at risk of asbestos exposure at work
- preparing an asbestos removal control plan
- limiting access to the asbestos work area
- ensuring waste containment and decontamination facilities are in place.