You will need this permit if you intend to burn within an Emergency Response Area (ERA). Burning is not permitted at any time in the Municipal areas of Darwin and Palmerston.
To obtain a permit contact your local fire station during business hours (weekdays) or Volunteer Fire Brigade (weekends) for inspections and issuing of permits.
Landholders are encouraged to consider alternatives to burning wherever possible, and to take advantage of the Street Sign Program, so that properties are easily identifiable in any emergency, not just a fire.
The following requirements apply to burns under this permit:
- garden green waste only, no building or household waste allowed
- burn piles must be no larger than 5m x 5m and have cleared 4 metre wide fire breaks on all sides
- the property must comply with the Fire and Emergency Regulations 1996, specifically Part 2, Section 3 (1) Firebreaks
- neighbours must be notified at least 48 hours before commencing a permit to burn and the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service (NTFRS) must be notified prior to ignition and at completion of burn
- each site should have sufficient resources to extinguish the fire if required
- special conditions on all permits must be adhered to at all times.