You may need approval to display a portable advertising device. An advertising device is a sign that is visible from a road or other public place, providing information or directions.
Portable advertising signs are temporary signs which include the following:
- sandwich board or A frame signs
- projecting flag signs
- portable flag signs
- outdoor dining signs
- portable directional signs.
An advertising sign also includes any framework, supporting structure or building feature that is part of the advertisement.
You will not need approval if your portable advertising sign is erected, maintained or removed in accordance with the council's quantity and acceptable outcomes. Any signs in excess of the allotted quantity will need an application for approval.
You will not need approval for the following:
- one sandwich board or A frame sign
- one projecting or portable flag sign
- outdoor dining signs with a current outdoor dining approval
- four portable directional signs
- community banner signs.
If you are advertising on a State controlled road, please contact the State department as you may require a road corridor permit.