Advertising device approval - Quilpie Shire Council - Queensland


You may need approval to display a permanent, temporary or portable advertising device. An advertising device is a sign that is visible from a road or other public place, providing information or directions.

An advertising sign also includes any framework, supporting structure or building feature that is part of the advertisement.

If you are advertising on a State controlled road, please contact the State department as you may require a road corridor permit.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.


Your council or local authority may allow certain advertising devices to be installed without an approval. Please use the contact details below for more information.

Eligibility requirements

Please refer to the relevant local laws.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

Any ongoing eligibility requirements in addition to the local laws will be listed with the issuance of the approval.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

Please contact your council for information on fees to be submitted.


Act(s) name

Local Government Act 2009 Queensland

Local law(s) name

Local Law 1 (Administration) 2012

Subordinate Local Law 1.04 (Installation of Advertising Devices) 2012

Application process


Firstly, see if your advertising device fulfils the self-assessable checklist provided by your council or local authority. Approval is not required if your advertisement satisfies each criterion.

If your signage is not self-assessable, it may be code assessable. Code assessable activities require a development assessment application with your council or local authority.

If your signage is beyond the criteria for code assessable, you will need to contact your council or local authority for further information on an Impact Assessment development application.

Once you have your planning approval, you can apply for advertising device approval.

Your application must include:

  • evidence that you have either received or applied for development approval
  • the written consent of the owner or occupier of the place in which you intend to exhibit the advertisement (if you do not control the space).

Transfer process


If you intend to take over an existing advertising sign, you may apply to search council or local authority records for information on the current advertising sign and the conditions of the approval. This process may require written permission from the vendor.

To transfer or make changes to an advertising sign, you will need to submit your advertising signs application using the approved form. The council or local authority will process your application within the legislative or agreed time frame and may inspect the location before making a decision. When your application is approved, you can then display your sign in accordance with the approved conditions.

Administering agency

Quilpie Shire Council

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.