Amusement devices code of practice - Queensland


You will need to comply with this code if you are required to manage health and safety risks associated with an amusement device.

An 'amusement device' is a plant operated for hire or reward that provides entertainment, sightseeing or amusement through movement of the equipment, or part of the equipment, or when passengers or other users travel or move on, around or along the equipment. It does not include:

  • a miniature train and railway system owned and operated by a model railway society, club or association
  • a ride or device that is used as a form of transport and that is, in relation to its use for that purpose, regulated under another Act or an Act of the Commonwealth
  • a boat or flotation device that is solely propelled by a person who is in or on the boat or device and is not attached to any mechanical elements or equipment outside the boat or device, and that does not rely on any artificial flow of water to move
  • any plant specifically designed for a sporting, professional stunt, theatrical or acrobatic purpose or activity
  • a coin-operated or token-operated device that is intended to be ridden, at the one time, by not more than 4 children who must
    be below the age of 10 years, is usually located in a shopping centre or similar public location and does not necessarily have an operator.

This code provides clarity and certainty for duty holders about their obligations to eliminate or minimise risks associated with amusement devices at workplaces.

Service type

Code of Practice

A code of practice is a set of rules which details how people in a certain industry should behave. A code of practice can be defined as a result of legislation or by industry regulators and bodies.

Other resources

Administering agency

Office of Industrial Relations

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.