Approval as an auditor - Queensland


You need this approval if you intend to be an auditor for contaminated land in Queensland. An auditor independently evaluates a contaminated land investigation document that has been prepared by a suitably qualified person, and, when appropriate, certifies that the contents of the contaminated land investigation document complies with the requirements set out in the Act.

An auditor does not investigate or write reports about contaminated land or undertake projects to remediate contaminated land, such work is undertaken by a suitably qualified person. An approved auditor can also take on work as a suitably qualified person, but they cannot undertake both roles for the same project or in relation to the same land.

All auditors must comply with the 'Code of professional conduct' located in Module 4 of the 'Queensland auditor handbook for contaminated land'.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this approval, you must:

  • have eight years of recent, continuous experience in the assessment management and remediation of contaminated land and be actively working in the field
  • hold a minimum of a bachelor's degree from a recognised institute in a science or engineering discipline that is relevant to contaminated land investigation and management
  • be able to demonstrate that your experience in contaminated site work is broadly based
  • have completed projects that cover a range of contaminants and vary in complexity
  • have at least two years of relevant experience as the project manager of multidisciplinary teams involved in contaminated land assessments, management and remediation
  • have gained some experience of auditing; for example, as a member of an auditor's expert support team or as an auditor's assistant
  • demonstrate knowledge and experience in all competencies and proficiencies listed in Module 2 of the 'Queensland auditor handbook for contaminated land' and demonstrate you can call on a team of people when you require expert advice and support
  • have certification or accreditation from at least one professional body relevant to the contaminated land industry
  • be a member of an organisation prescribed under the Regulations
  • hold professional indemnity insurance of at least $5 million
  • undertake an examination and associated interview that are periodically held - typically every two years
  • provide at least three referees.

Refer to the 'Queensland auditor handbook for contaminated land' for comprehensive information relating to eligibility along with the application process for, and functions of, contaminated land auditors in Queensland.

If you have successfully completed the assessment process and gained approval in another state you may be eligible to apply through mutual recognition.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

All auditors must submit an annual return and comply with the ongoing requirements listed in the 'Code of professional conduct'.

Someone who is already an auditor in Queensland may apply at any time for their approval to be renewed, but should apply at least 30 business days before their existing approval expires.


A first time approval will generally be granted for one year. If an auditor's performance is satisfactory during that year, renewed approvals will usually have a period of three years.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $1513.70

Fees for 2024-25

Approval time

Up to 30 days


This approval cannot be transferred.

Administering agency

Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.