There are two types of approval, self-assessable or assessable. The type of approval you need depends on the nature of your event.
A self-assessable event is an event with at least 2000 people, and:
- does not operate for more than 5 consecutive days or 30 non-consecutive days
- does not include firearm activities
- does not include motor sport activities
- does not involve an outdoor musical performance where the sound level is expected to exceed 95 decibels to carrier when measured 15 meters from any speaker
- commences after 7am on any day (excluding bump-in times)
- finishes before 10pm on any day (excluding bump-out times)
- does not involve the service or consumption of alcohol
- does not involve road closures or traffic management
- does not have an expected attendance of more than 5000 people at any given time
- does not have an expected attendance of more than 10,000 people over the duration of the event.
Events which do contain any one of these assessable risks and have an expected attendance of 1000 or more people over the duration of the event must apply for an assessable event permit instead.