Approval to operate a livestock saleyard - Gold Coast City Council - Queensland


You require this approval to operate a livestock saleyard. This approval allows you to:

  • sell or offer livestock by auction or other means at a saleyard
  • consign stock from the saleyard.

Livestock refers to:

  • cattle
  • horses
  • any other species of animal prescribed by local law.

The operation of saleyards are regulated by your local council to ensure the following:

  • the operation of saleyards does not cause a nuisance
  • the protection of the welfare of animals, the safety of the public and the health of the public from cross contamination by zoonotic infections.

The Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Saleyards and Depots apply to all those responsible for the care and management of livestock at saleyards and depots. This includes saleyard managers / superintendents, saleyard staff, stock persons, livestock agents, transport operators and drivers.

Livestock must not be sold or offered for sale at any place at the saleyard other than the pens designated as selling pens by council at the saleyard.

Unacceptable animal welfare practices can be prosecuted under cruelty and aggravated cruelty offence clauses in state animal welfare legislation.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To operate a livestock saleyard or depot, you must be a fit and proper person. To determine whether you meet this threshold your council may consider any convictions in regard to saleyards and your history of non-payment or persistent late payments of fees and charges in regard to your saleyard facility.

Your saleyard must:

  • be fit for the purpose and for containing the species
  • have flooring that minimises the likelihood of injury or of livestock slipping or falling
  • be free from protrusions and other objects that could cause injury
  • have sufficient vertical clearance for livestock to minimise the risk of injury
  • have unloading and loading facilities which are appropriate for the livestock and transport vehicles
  • have pens constructed so that pigs cannot fight with unfamiliar pigs in adjoining pens
  • have suitable watering facilities
  • have suitable feeding facilities (where required)
  • have effective means to minimise the risk to the welfare of livestock from extremes of weather.

Additional conditions may be applied to your approval, such as:

  • yard cleaning
  • run off control and / or collection
  • manure and liquid effluent management
  • dust control measures
  • noise control measures
  • control over washing of trucking and other vehicles.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

You must maintain your saleyard to meet the Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Saleyards and Depots. The following can be done to maintain your saleyard or depot.

  • Regular assessment of all facilities should be undertaken to ensure facilities are operationally safe for livestock and staff.
  • A regular yard cleaning program should be undertaken as required to ensure non-slip surfaces are maintained and ensure pen surfaces drain freely.
  • Boggy areas should be filled with gravel or wood chips if more permanent means of eliminating such conditions cannot be undertaken.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

Please contact your council for information on fees to be submitted.


Act(s) name

Local Government Act 2009 Queensland

Transfer process


This approval cannot be transferred.

Application process


To apply for this approval, you must:

  • complete the approved application form
  • pay the prescribed fee.

With your application you may need to provide the following information:

  • why you require this approval
  • the principal place of business
  • the period during which the applicant requires the approval.


This approval cannot be transferred.

Administering agency

Gold Coast City Council

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.