You require this approval to operate a livestock saleyard. This approval allows you to:
- sell or offer livestock by auction or other means at a saleyard
- consign stock from the saleyard.
Livestock refers to:
- cattle
- horses
- any other species of animal prescribed by local law.
The operation of saleyards are regulated by your local council to ensure the following:
- the operation of saleyards does not cause a nuisance
- the protection of the welfare of animals, the safety of the public and the health of the public from cross contamination by zoonotic infections.
The Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Saleyards and Depots apply to all those responsible for the care and management of livestock at saleyards and depots. This includes saleyard managers / superintendents, saleyard staff, stock persons, livestock agents, transport operators and drivers.
Livestock must not be sold or offered for sale at any place at the saleyard other than the pens designated as selling pens by council at the saleyard.
Unacceptable animal welfare practices can be prosecuted under cruelty and aggravated cruelty offence clauses in state animal welfare legislation.