You may need to provide the following with your application for a permit to operate a cemetery:
- proof of the approved development application for the use of the subject land as a cemetery
- detailed plans of the site, indicating all roadways, buildings, other structures and all future burial plots
- all administration and management policies, plans and standard operating procedures for cemetery operations (e.g. a vegetation maintenance plan, exhumation policy and records procedure)
- details of any lease agreements, if applicable, with regard to grave sites, shrubs or memorials.
Your local council may grant a permit if they are satisfied of the following criteria:
- the council has received the completed application form and all relevant documentation
- the proposal is consistent with rights that have been granted in accordance with any local law
- the place where the remains of each person are proposed to be buried or place (but not if the remains are cremated remains that are to be scattered)
- details concerning any other dealings with the remains after they have been buried or placed in the cemetery are provided and recorded by council and made available for public viewing upon request.