Disposal permit - Queensland


You will need this permit if you intend to:

  • remove, and treat or dispose of, contaminated soil from land that is recorded in the environment management register (EMR) or contaminated land register (CLR)
  • bring into Queensland, and treat, or dispose of, contaminated soil from contaminated land outside the State.

On-site remediation of contaminated soil is considered best practice, removing contaminated soil for treatment or disposal off-site should only be carried out when that option is not practicable. You will not need this permit if you intend to treat or manage the contaminated soil on its site of origin.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

You will need to ensure that:

  • a suitably qualified person has undertaken a detailed site investigation
  • you have written consent from the landowner(s) to remove and treat or dispose of the soil
  • you have an acceptance letter from the operator(s) of the landfill where the soil will be taken for disposal.


Disposal permits take effect from the day of issue (or other later day specified) and continue in force until the end of the term stated on the permit.


As specified


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All You do not need to pay any fees.
Apply Miscellaneous All A waste levy rate per tonne will apply to contaminated soil disposed of at a waste disposal site. However, when certain criteria can be met, contaminated soil may be eligible for an exemption from the waste levy.

Application process


In addition to being made in the approved form, your application must be supported by enough information to enable the agency to decide whether to issue the permit. The supporting information must assess the likely risks to the environment from the removal and treatment or disposal of the contaminated soil. You may attach reports and other relevant documents to the approved form.

Your application must provide at least the following information:

  • applicant details (this person would become the permit holder)
  • address and lot on plan details of the site from which the soil will be removed
  • a copy of the current certificate of title for the land from which the soil will be removed
  • total volume (in cubic metres) of soil to be removed (this must be the bulk / loose size after excavation, not the bulk volume)
  • disposal period (start and end dates for the removal)
  • address and lot on plan details of the site to which the soil will be taken for treatment or disposal
  • details of the management and remediation options already applied to the contaminated soil, with a detailed explanation of why removal and treatment or disposal is considered the only remaining option for the proposed volume of soil
  • description of the sampling locations, depths, methods, sample preservation, quality assurance, and chain of custody
  • scaled plan(s) of the sampling locations and the extent of contaminated soil
  • chemical and physical characteristics of the soil for all hazardous contaminants (including any hazardous transformation products), you propose to remove (this should reference the sampling locations and depths, and testing results for individual samples - an averaged result for the site will not be sufficient)
  • results of representative soil samples using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), and Australian Standard Leaching Procedure (ASLP) using unbuffered leach solution
  • copies of laboratory results, quality assurance documentation, and sample receipts for all analysed samples, noting how limits of detection / reporting were low enough to screen for all potential risks
  • a sampling plan that would validated that all contaminated soil has been removed.

Your supporting data and information must be recent and current. Historical data from several years ago will not be acceptable. You must demonstrate that your sampling, analysing and reporting accurately reflects the current condition of the site.

Approval time

A decision will be made on your application within 10 business days after submission. You will be notified about the outcome of the decision within 8 business days.

Administering agency

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.