Food business licence - Brisbane City Council - Queensland


You will need this licence if your business:

  • manufactures food (making food by combining ingredients)
  • sells unpackaged food by retail (for example, cafe, restaurant or takeaway food shop)
  • is a non-profit organisation and sells, on at least 12 days each financial year, meals prepared by your organisation at a particular place.

This licence applies to all locations and food business types, whether you are based in commercial premises, at home or from a vehicle or stall.

If you are going to operate as a mobile food business, you only need one food business licence to operate anywhere across the state. A mobile food business includes:

  • vehicles from which you sell unpackaged food by retail
  • food vending machines
  • water carriers delivering drinking water.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this licence, you must:

  • meet the requirements set out in legislation
  • provide any plans or drawings
  • appoint a Food Safety Supervisor who is available when the business is operating.

You may also need to have an accredited Food Safety Program.

If you intend to operate a water carrier as part of your mobile food business, you will need to follow the guidelines outlined in the authorising legislation.

It is advised that you talk to your council before applying.


An annual food business licence is valid for 12 months from the date of issue.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All -

Fixed premises food businesses:

  • Over 1000 square meters - $3939.45
  • Between 250 and 1000 square meters - $1260.65
  • Up to 250  square meters - $922.95.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All $922.95

Mobile food business licence up to 250 square meters. Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All -

Temporary food stalls:

  • low risk, up to 4 consecutive days - $365.50
  • low risk, up to 12 consecutive days - $405.15
  • high risk, up to 4 consecutive days - $444.75
  • high risk, up to 12 consecutive days - $533.75
  • annual licence (renewable) - $922.95.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All -

Pre-lodgement advisory service (up to 2 hours):

  • consultation and report - $347.50
  • on-site visit and report - $610.45.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Inspection All $599.45

Inspection report. Fees for 2024-25

General Licence All -

You may need to pay additional fees. Please contact the council for more information.

Renew Renewal All -

Food businesses up to 250 square metres:

  • 5 star - $461.50
  • 4 star - $692.25
  • 3 star - $876.60
  • 0 and 2 star - $922.95.

Fees for 2024-25

Renew Renewal All -

Food businesses between 250 and 1000 square metres:

  • 5 star - $630.40
  • 4 star - $946.15
  • 3 star - $1,197.65
  • 0 and 2 star - $1,260.65.

Fees for 2024-25

Renew Renewal All -

Food businesses more than 1000 square metres:

  • 5 star - $1,969.70
  • 4 star - $2,954.60
  • 3 star - $3,742.30
  • 0 and 2 star - $3,939.45.

Fees for 2024-25

Vary Variation All $271.55

Fees for 2024-25

Administering agency

Brisbane City Council

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.