Gas work licence - Queensland


You will need this licence if you intend to install, remove, alter, repair, service, test and certify the gas system of a gas device (type A).

A gas device (type A) is a device that uses fuel gas to create heat, light or power (including for refrigeration). These are essentially certified (badged) mass-produced appliances such as gas stoves and hot-water systems.

There are 5 types of gas work licence:

  • Interim gas work - issued where the applicant has not yet demonstrated that they have the competencies and experience to hold a full gas work licence.
  • Full gas work - authorises an individual to carry out all types of gas work to a gas system in relation to a gas device (type A).
  • Servicing - authorises an individual to service, repair and test a gas device (type A)
  • Servicing and caravan certification - authorises an individual to service, repair and test a gas device (type A) and to certify a gas device (type A) installed in a caravan (an existing type A gas system).
  • Hydrocarbon refrigerant - authorises an individual to carry out gas work to a gas system in relation to a device that is used (or designed or intended) for refrigeration and for which fuel gas is the refrigerant (a fuel gas refrigeration device).

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Your requirements will vary depending on your category of licence. To be eligible, you will need to meet the appropriate:

  • technical requirements
  • eligibility requirements
  • be a suitable person.

You may need to pass the approved Gas Work Trade Test (the trade test) at a participating RTO before lodging an application, if you do not pass the currency requirements. This is to check that your skills are current before your licence application is accepted.

If you do not meet the qualifications and experience requirements, you will need to discuss your options with a registered training organisation (RTO) which may include training, recognition of prior learning or mapping.


Three years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $51.68

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Licence All $34.40

Annual fee. Fees for 2024-25

Other resources

Application process


This application can only be submitted online using an internet connection. You cannot print and submit this application by post or email. You will be emailed a receipt / tax invoice after you submit the form.


This licence cannot be transferred.

Administering agency

Resources Safety and Health Queensland

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.