You will need this accreditation if you intend to assess individuals that apply for high risk work (HRW) licences to ensure workers are competent to perform HRW.
A HRW accredited assessor can assess licences needed to engage in the following work:
A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.
To be eligible for accreditation, you must:
As specified
Fees Details for this service in table format.
View a full list of electrical and work health and safety fees here.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Queensland (Opens in new window)
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 Queensland (Opens in new window)
Step oneYou will need to provide Workhealth Safety Queensland with:completed application form (form 93) and notification of alignment with a registered training organisation (form 91) proof of identification application fee copy of current licence for the relevant HRW class/es soughtcopy of your VET assessor qualifications/competencies (new applications only) signed acknowledgement that you have read and understood the conditions of accreditation as an assessor for high risk work classes evidence of industry and operational experience.Step twoYou will need to successfully complete: required general knowledge OHS online test required competency assessment specific to the licence class you are seeking accreditation for an accredited assessor induction (new applications only).
You will need to provide Workhealth Safety Queensland with:
You will need to successfully complete:
Office of Industrial Relations
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
Licensing and Advisory Services
Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.
Applying to become a high risk work accredited assessor (Opens in new window)