Higher risk personal appearance service licence - Sunshine Coast Regional Council - Queensland


You will need this licence to operate a business which provides higher risk personal appearance services. Higher risk personal appearance services refer to skin penetration procedures in which the release of blood or other bodily fluid is an expected result. The services can be carried out in both fixed or mobile premises.

Examples of higher risk personal appearance services include:

  • tattooing
  • body piercing
  • cosmetic tattooing
  • micro-blading / feathering
  • application of semi-permanent make-up
  • tattoo removal
  • scarification
  • implanting natural or synthetic substances into the skin (e.g. skin needling combined with the use of a natural or synthetic substance).

You can only provide these services from the premises stated on the licence. If you are operating in more than one location within one council or local authority area, you only require one licence as long as all locations are on your licence.

If you have a mobile business, you only need a licence from the council or local authority where you store your vehicle. You can use your licence all over Queensland, as long as you notify the council or local authority at least seven days before you intend to operate in their area. It may be less than seven days if the council or local authority agrees to the lesser period.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To operate higher risk personal appearance services, your business should be designed and constructed to:

  • be adequate for the types of services and activities conducted
  • provide adequate space for all activities and for all equipment to be used or stored
  • allow easy cleaning / sanitising and sterilising procedures of all structures and equipment.

Your premises must be designed so that the flow of service is in one direction: from product receipt, to storage, preparation, providing the customer with a service, and finally to disposal and / or sanitising and / or sterilising of equipment. This is to reduce the infection risks associated with the process.

Your business must also include:

  • a clean zone within a room, or rooms, where clean or sterilised items are stored and a hand basin is located
  • a dirty or contaminated zone within a room, or rooms, where contaminated items are placed to await cleaning, and where the cleaning sinks, instrument washers and sterilisers are located.

You may also require development approval if you are conducting the following activities:

  • starting a new personal appearance service business
  • changing the type of activity (e.g. from office space to tattooist)
  • re-establishing a personal appearance service business that was abandoned
  • changing the scale or intensity of an existing business (e.g. increasing the number of chairs or expanding into the next unit)
  • carrying out building work
  • carrying out plumbing or drainage work.


No more than three years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $525.00

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Inspection All $525.00

Plan assessment and onsite inspections. Fees for 2024-25

Apply Inspection All $341.00

Inspection of personal appearance services to ensure compliance with legislative requirements (each initial inspection). Fees for 2024-25

Renew Renewal All $525.00

Fees for 2024-25

Transfer Transfer All $142.00

Fees for 2024-25

Vary Variation All $420.00

Fees for 2024-25

Application process


To apply for this licence, you must:

  • complete the approved application form
  • pay the prescribed fee.

With your application you must include:

  • A plan showing all equipment, benches, storage cupboards, sinks, non-hand touch hand basin, door / window openings, location of staff areas and chemical / cleaning equipment storage areas to a suitable scale (e.g. 1:100).
  • Cross-sectional drawings through separate areas of the storage and customer service areas. Details are to include finishes to walls, floors and ceilings, heights of fixtures from floors and benches, junctions of walls and floors and lighting provisions to a suitable scale (1:150).
  • A site plan showing location of premises regarding other premises, including wastewater treatment devices, waste storage area and staff toilets, to a suitable scale.
  • Details of location and types of sterilising equipment and laundry facilities for sanitising towels, wraps and any other relevant items.

Lodgement process


To notify the council or local authority of your intention to provide services as a mobile business, you must provide:

  • your higher risk personal appearance service licence
  • your employees' infection control qualification
  • the dates you intend to operate
  • locations you intend to operate.

Notification must be by phone, email, letter, fax or other means of written communication. If you notify the council or local authority by phone, you must immediately confirm the details provided by letter, fax, email or other means of written communication.

Administering agency

Sunshine Coast Regional Council

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.