Home-based business / occupations - Whitsunday Regional Council - Queensland


If you are looking to run your business from home, you will need to determine whether you need approval to do so.

Examples of a home-based business include a:

  • home office
  • bed and breakfast
  • home-based childcare
  • hairdressing.

You need to consider how your business will impact your building and the surrounding area. Things to consider include, but are not limited to:

  • the floor area used for the activity
  • the number of employees
  • visitor / client appointments
  • operating hours
  • signage
  • visible goods
  • car parking facilities.

It is possible that you will not require approval from your council or local authority to operate your home business. However, if the operation of your home business makes a material change to the use of your premises, you may be required to apply for development approval. This can include constructing new buildings, changing how buildings or land is used, or exceeding the allowed use of existing buildings or land.

Please note that you also need to meet all other licensing requirements relevant to your business activity (e.g. a food business licence, higher risk personal appearance service licence or advertisement approval).

It is advised that you contact your council or local authority to determine your requirements.

Service type

Advisory Material

Advisory material provides advice and guidance in undertaking a business.

Eligibility requirements

Generally, you will be allowed to operate your home business without further approval if you meet the following requirements:

  • you live permanently in the home from which you want to operate the business
  • you only employ one person who doesn't live in your home
  • your business uses no more than 40m2 floor area where the dwelling is located on a lot more than 2000m2 and 80m2 where the dwelling is located on a lot more than 2000m2
  • you do not display goods
  • your business does not release any contaminant as defined in the Environmental Protection Act 1994, including noise
  • your business does not interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood (e.g. through noise emission, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, grit, oil, waste water, waste products, radio or electrical interference)
  • your business results in not more than two customers or clients are present at any one time and no more than eight customers or clients are present in any one day
  • your business does not undertake the loading or unloading of a goods vehicle larger than an SRV.

More strict or other requirements may be imposed on you if you operate specific types of home businesses (e.g. accommodation or childcare).


Disqualified persons or entities

Businesses that do not qualify as home-based businesses include:

  • businesses that may disrupt your neighbours (as determined by your local council or authority)
  • mechanics
  • retail shops
  • transport depots
  • cafes
  • industrial businesses.

Administering agency

Whitsunday Regional Council

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.