Licence or permit to import / export explosives - Queensland


You will need a licence or permit to import explosives into Queensland from another country or export explosives to another country through seaports and airports.

The import or export of explosives does not apply to:

  • an explosive that is part of the operational equipment of a road vehicle or boat, including airbags and distress signals that are part of the boat's safety equipment
  • explosives brought into Queensland from another Australian state or territory
  • Customs Prohibited Export Regulation 1958.

You will need a licence is you have an ongoing requirement to import or export the stated explosives.

You will need a permit if either:

  • the import or export is a one-off and not generally related to business
  • the explosives are destined for another country and being held in Queensland temporarily before being transported to the other country (if one-off case)
  • the explosives are for an importer licensed in another state or territory and were destined for that state or territory but were diverted to Queensland by the shipping company (not the importer).

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for a licence or permit, you must:

  • be an adult and an appropriate person
  • be able to read and understand the English language to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector of Explosives
  • comply with codes of practice and standards
  • for a licence or permit related to security sensitive explosives, the individual, directors, partners or nominated responsible person must hold a current security clearance
  • have a safety management system and security management system.

This licence may be applied for by an individual, partnership or company.

You must notify the Chief Inspector of Explosives at least 7 days prior to the import or export of any explosives to or from Queensland.


1 or 5 years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Licence All

Licence to import / export blasting explosives:

  • 1 year - $804.54
  • 5 years - $4022.70.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Licence All

Licence to import / export propellant powders and ammunition:

  • 1 year - $534.24
  • 5 years - $2671.20.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Licence All

Licence to import / export fireworks:

  • 1 year - $393.58
  • 5 years - $1967.90.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Licence All

Licence to import / export distress signals:

  • 1 year - $120.31
  • 5 years - $601.55.

Fees for 2024-25

Apply Licence All

Licence to import / export an explosive not elsewhere mentioned, including SSAN:

  • 1 year - $393.58
  • 5 years - $1967.90.

Fees for 2024-25

Application process


You can obtain a licence or permit by submitting a completed application form to the nearest Explosives regional office.

The required items section of the application form outlines all prerequisite licensing requirements. Applications can be posted or submitted in person at regional offices only.

The following may also be required before your application is approved:

  • The Chief Inspector of Explosives may require further assessment of the applicant under S15 (7)(c) of the Explosives Act 1999.
  • The applicant's work status may require the provision of further information not outlined on the application form.
  • The storage and transportation of the exported explosives must be adequately covered by the appropriate explosives licence.
  • The export activity cannot commence until the licence is issued.
  • For a licence or permit related to security sensitive explosives, the individual, directors, partners or nominated responsible person must hold a current security clearance.

A corporation applying for a licence or permit must:

  • nominate an authorised person to act on behalf of the corporation
  • if a non-publicly listed company, provide an Australian Securities and Investments Commission Extract showing the directors of the corporation
  • if a publicly listed company, nominate a responsible person for explosives activities related to the company.

Administering agency

Resources Safety and Health Queensland

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.