Ferry licence - Brisbane City Council - Queensland


You will need a licence to operate a ferry service on council-regulated waters.

A ferry refers to any ship, boat, barge or hovercraft used as part of a public passenger service across a watercourse.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

You may have to meet the following conditions to apply for this licence:

  • enact measures to protect the safety of persons who may be involved in, or affected by, the ferry service
  • enact measures to ensure the ferry service does not cause a nuisance
  • comply with all relevant government and industry standards
  • make periodic payments to the council
  • make facilities installed under the licence available for use by the public at specified times or over specified periods
  • provision and maintenance of furniture, fittings, equipment, chattels, services and facilities
  • indemnify the council against claims for personal injury and damage to property arising by, through, or in connection with the ferry service
  • prescribe the amount, size, content and type of signage that may be installed or erected.


As specified


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

Please contact your council for information on fees to be submitted.


Application process


To apply for a ferry licence, you must:

  • complete the approved application form
  • pay the prescribed fee.

You may be required to also provide:

  • details of the purpose and nature of the activity
  • details of the number of persons to be involved, including participants and employees
  • details of any structure or equipment
  • specification of the points of entry and exit
  • a statement detailing your experience and qualifications, including those of your staff
  • a map detailing the proposed route the ferry service will follow and the location of any proposed stopover
  • details of the dates, days, times, duration and purpose of each proposed stopover
  • details of the fare structure for the ferry service.

Administering agency

Brisbane City Council

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.