Operator accreditation for public passenger transport services - Queensland


Operator accreditation (OA) is an accreditation that authorises the holder to provide, as an operator, a public passenger service of a particular kind. A public passenger service is a service for the carriage of passengers if:

  • the service is provided for fare or other consideration
  • the service is provided in the course of a trade or business
  • the service is a community or courtesy transport service.

There are different categories of OA for the different kinds of public passenger services. An operator can hold any of the following categories of OA:

  • scheduled services (including urban, minor, school and long distance)
  • motorcycle tourist services
  • community transport services
  • courtesy transport services
  • general services (this includes any passenger transport service requiring OA that does not fit into another category of OA).

There are different operational requirements for the different types of services, including vehicle types and age limits. If you are contemplating providing public passenger transport services, it is recommended that you obtain information regarding requirements from the department.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

You can apply for this accreditation as an individual, partnership, corporation, an incorporated association or trustee.


As specified


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

You can find the current fees here.

Application process


To apply for operator accreditation:

  • complete the application form and ensure that the appropriate supporting documentation is attached. Refer to Question 8 on the application.
  • provide the required evidence of identity (EOI) documentation. This must include original proof of identity for each person listed on the application. Refer to EOI for Individuals / Organisations (search for F4362 on tmr.qld.gov.au).
  • attend a TMR customer service centre to lodge the application. Refer to the Queensland Government website qld.gov.au for locations.
  • pay the required fees. Refer to 'Fees' above.
  • the application will be assessed and processed by the relevant TransLink Regional Passenger Transport Office. You will be notified of the outcome of the application once this has occurred.

Administering agency

Department of Transport and Main Roads

TransLink Division

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.