Pilot / escort vehicle driver accreditation - Queensland


You will need this accreditation to operate a pilot or escort vehicle to warn other road users of the presence of an oversized vehicle / combination.

A pilot vehicle has yellow flashing lights and an OVERSIZE LOAD AHEAD sign on its roof. A pilot vehicle driver is responsible for driving in front or behind of an oversize vehicle or vehicle carrying a heavy load to warn other road users.

An escort vehicle has yellow flashing lights and yellow and white wigwag lights and an OVERSIZE LOAD AHEAD sign on its roof. Escort vehicle drivers share the same responsibility as pilot vehicle drivers, but have additional minor traffic control duties.

All pilot and escort drivers must comply with the requirements of the 'Guideline for pilot and escort operations in Queensland'.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for pilot vehicle driver accreditation, you must:

  • hold or have previously held an open Australian or New Zealand driver licence (you may still be eligible if you have previously held an open licence but now hold a restricted or probationary licence)
  • have completed an approved pilot driver vehicle training course
  • passed the pilot vehicle driver written test
  • be medically fit to perform the role
  • be a suitable person - you will be subject to a criminal and traffic history check.

To be eligible for an escort driver accreditation, you must:

  • hold a current pilot vehicle driver accreditation
  • hold a Statement of Attainment - Level 2 Escort Vehicle Driver. To obtain a Statement of Attainment, you must provide evidence to a registered training organisation approved by the agency of having completed a minimum of 12 trips (as detailed in a record movement book) as a pilot vehicle driver.

You must keep a pilot / escort movement record book and provide details of most journeys recorded.


Three years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $210.00

Fees for 2024-25

Renew Renewal All $210.00

Fees for 2024-25

Application process


To apply for this accreditation you must lodge the completed application form together with the prescribed fee and all relevant supporting documents in person at the agency customer service centre.


This accreditation cannot be transferred.

Administering agency

Department of Transport and Main Roads

Customer Services, Safety and Regulation Division

Land Transport Safety and Regulation Branch

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.