Primary commercial fishing licence - Queensland


You will need this licence to commercially operate a nominated primary boat and associated tender boats as permitted in accordance with the fishery symbols appearing on that licence.

To use the nominated boat to fish under the primary commercial fishing boat licence, it must be operated by a person who holds an active commercial fisher licence. The primary commercial fishing licence holder will nominate the commercial fisher in control who is responsible for all of the reporting requirements during a commercial fishing operation.

The agency does not issue new primary commercial fishing licences. However, you can lease or buy one from an existing licence holder.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Please contact the agency to identify any eligibility requirements.


This licence is ongoing while fees are paid.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

You can find the current fees here.

Application process


Surrender fishery symbols

You can surrender fishery symbols if you no longer want to operate in a fishery.

To surrender fishery symbols:

  • complete the authority amendment request form
  • pay the application fee.


Move fishery symbols

The primary commercial fisheries licence shows the fishery symbols, which define what you are allowed to do.

Many fisheries have conditions that:

  • specify an area where the licence can be used (i.e. a small subsection of the fishery depicted by the maps)
  • restrict how many tender boats can operate with the primary boat in that fishery.

To permanently move fishery symbols between primary commercial fishing licences:

  • complete the fishery symbol movement application form
  • pay the application fee.

You must have written approval from both current licence holders to move symbols.

You cannot:

  • temporarily move symbols
  • move eel fishery symbols (E) at all.

Transfer process


Permanent transfer

Both the former owner (transfer owner) and proposed new owner (transferee) of the licence must register the transfer with Fisheries Queensland.

If the new owner wants to use a different boat than the one recorded on the licence:

  • tick 'transfer of licence only (without boat)' on the permanent transfer application form
  • submit a primary commercial fishing licence amendment form.

Either party can submit the form and pay the fee.

Temporary transfer

Both the owner of the licence and the temporary transferee must complete the temporary transfer application form.

If the temporary transferee wants to use a different boat than the one recorded on the licence, the owner of the licence must submit a separate amendment request.

Transfer quota

You can transfer your quota to another commercial fisher, if they have the same fishery symbol on their primary commercial fishing licence.

Administering agency

Department of Primary Industries

Fisheries Queensland

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.