Property identification code (PIC) - Queensland


You will need a property identification code (PIC) for the land that you keep your animals. A PIC is allocated once you register as a biosecurity entity. If you don't own the property on which your animals are kept, you still need to register as a biosecurity entity and obtain a PIC.

Queensland livestock owners need PICs to:

  • buy National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) devices
  • access other national systems such as national vendor declarations or waybills
  • report movements to the NLIS database.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Please contact the agency to identify any eligibility requirements.


Up to 3 years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All You do not need to pay any fees.

Administering agency

Department of Primary Industries

Biosecurity Queensland

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.