Roof and wall cladding licence - Queensland


You will need this licence to install roof and wall cladding. This licence class will allow you to:

  • select and install roof cladding other than terracotta and concrete roof tiles
  • fabricate and install rainwater goods
  • flash penetrations through roofs and walls, including, for example, install skylights and ventilators
  • design, fabricate and install external flashings, metal ceilings and associated soffits and fascias
  • erect fixed or operating box type louvre units
  • disconnect and reconnect air distribution equipment throughout roof or wall cladding
  • design roof drainage components
  • design penetrations associated with mechanical services, including large penetration water management
  • refurbish and maintain roofs, excluding paint roofs.

You can apply for this licence as a:

  • contractor - allows you to perform, supervise and enter into contracts for building work
  • company - allows a company to contract for and perform building work, provided a person is nominated as a supervisor
  • nominee supervisor - allows you to supervise work on behalf of a licensed company, but not to contract out individually to perform building work
  • site supervisor - allows you to supervise work on behalf of a licensed contractor, but not to contract out or be appointed as a nominated supervisor for a company.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Your requirements will vary depending on your class of licence. To be eligible, you will need to meet the appropriate:

  • technical requirements
  • managerial requirements
  • financial requirements.

If you do not meet the technical qualifications, you may be able to obtain one through recognition of prior learning (RPL) by a registered training organisation (RTO). Please see the attached resources for specific information on these requirements.

If you are an interstate applicant, you may be eligible to obtain a licence through mutual recognition. If you are an international applicant, you may have to have an overseas qualification assessed for equivalency prior to applying.


1 or 3 years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

You can find the current fees here.

Application process


To apply for this licence, you will need to fill out the licence application form, providing:

  • evidence of your qualifications
  • financial information showing that you meet the minimum financial requirements (for contractor types only)
  • proof of identity
  • a current copy of your Record of Registration form from ASIC, if you are contracting under a trading name
  • if you are contracting under a partnership, proof of the business partnership
  • the applicable fees.

Transfer process


You cannot transfer this licence.

Approval time

Applications can take between 6 and 12 weeks to be processed, depending on their complexity

Administering agency

Queensland Building and Construction Commission

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.