The completed application for (Form 15A) with the below information is to be lodged directly at any police station in Queensland with the prescribed fee:
- Each application must have a person acting as a representative for the club and with the application supply a letter of authority from the club, signed by the governing body supporting their application as the representative. The representative must hold a current Queensland Weapons Act firearms licence.
- A list of the members of the governing body of the shooting club, including their full name, address, date of birth and details of weapons licences held.
- A copy of the club's or proposed club's constitution.
- Details of any affiliation with a shooting organisation or association.
- Details of your public liability insurer.
- Proposed shooting disciplines to be conducted by the club (e.g. clay target, full bore rifle, pistol).
- Member lists of the proposed initial club members including full name, address, date of birth and details of weapons licences held.
- Details and location of the proposed range site if any, and
- Details of any firing rights that have been arranged with another approved club or association for use on their approved shooting range.