Smoking product supplier licensing scheme - Queensland


You will need a smoking product supply licence if you are a retailer or wholesaler of smoking products, you will be required to hold a from 1 September 2024. Without this licence you will be prohibited from supplying smoking products.

To avoid processing delays, you should apply as soon as possible.

Smoking products can include tobacco products, herbal cigarettes, loose smoking blend, shisha, smoking related products or a package or carton of any of these things.

Federal changes to the regulation of vapes commenced on 1 July 2024. Vapes can only be supplied through a pharmacy. Non-pharmacy retailers are not permitted to sell any vapes, including existing stock and nicotine-free vapes. If you are a vape supplier, but do not also sell smoking products related to tobacco, you should not apply for a licence.

There are 3 licence types available.

Retail licence

A retail licence authorises you to sell smoking products to the public from a retail premises or an online shop.

If you want to sell smoking products from more than 1 premises, you must submit a separate application and hold a licence for each premises.

A single retail licence can include 1 premises and 1 connected online retail shop.

If you are a retailer wanting to sell limited quantities of smoking products by wholesale to other smaller licensed retailers, you must request the sub-wholesale condition when you apply for your retail licence. This condition is only available for a retail licence if retail sales are the primary activity of your licenced business.

Retail (liquor) licence

A retail (liquor) licence authorises you to sell smoking products to the public from a liquor licensed premises. Only a liquor licensee may apply for a retail (liquor) licence. A copy of your liquor licence for the premises is required as part of the application process.

If you want to sell smoking products from more than 1 liquor licensed premises, you must apply and obtain a licence for each premises.

A retail (liquor) licence limits the supply of smoking products from the liquor licensed premises. Online supply of smoking products is not permitted.

Wholesale licence

A wholesale licence authorises you to sell smoking products by wholesale to licensed retailers from a wholesale premises or an online wholesale outlet.

If you want to sell smoking products from more than 1 wholesale premises, you must submit a separate application and hold a licence for each premises. Where your wholesale premises has an online outlet for online sales connected to the wholesale premises, a single wholesale licence authorises you to sell smoking products from both.


Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

Retail or wholesale licences can be applied for by:

  • sole trader - individual with an Australian Business Number (ABN), including a trust where the trustee is an individual
  • partnership - a partnership with an ABN made up of 2 or more people
  • corporation - a company with an Australian Company Number (ACN) or a trust where a trustee is a company (with an ACN and ABN)
  • other organisations - with an ABN and no ACN such as incorporated associations or a trust where the trustee is a company (with an ACN and ABN).

A retail (liquor) licence can only be applied for by the liquor licensee.

Licence display requirements

You must display an approved copy of your licence at the retail or wholesale outlet so that it can be easily read by customers at all times that your business is open. An approved copy of your licence must also be displayed on the website if you have an online shop.

An approved copy of your licence must either be a full copy of your granted licence or an extract from the licence that contains the following information:

  • the type of licence you hold:
    • Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 retail licence
    • Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 retail licence (liquor)
    • Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 wholesale licence.
  • the unique identification number of the licence
  • a link or QR code to the public register of all retail licences and wholesale licences.

An approved copy of your licence must also:

  • be in black on a white background
  • not contain any additional symbols, images or words to those contained in a licence granted under the Act that imply the sale of smoking products is promoted by the State
  • fit an A4 page if displayed at a retail or wholesale outlet.


Up to 12 months


Licence holders must apply to renew their licence before the expiry date. You will receive a reminder 28 days before the expiry date.


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

You can find the current fees here.

Application process


You can apply for your licence online. To apply for a licence, suppliers will require a MyGovID.

Administering agency

Queensland Health

Prevention Strategy Branch

Queensland Public Health and Scientific Services

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.