When making an application for a traffic control permit, the 'Applicant' must:
- be the Traffic Management Company performing the traffic control duties on site, or their authorised representative
- give at least 10 business days for the processing of an application
- include all documents and / or information required to complete the application.
The documents and / or information required to complete the application include, but not limited to:
- Public Liability Insurance Certificate
- Deed of Indemnity
- Traffic Management Registration Scheme certificate number
- Traffic Management Plan (approved by an appropriate qualified individual)
- Letter from the Traffic Management Company to the applicant advising that they (the 'Applicant') are the authorised representative of the Traffic Management Company for the purposes of the Traffic Control Permit application. This will enable Transport and Main Roads to deal directly with the applicant but recognise that the Permit will be issued to the Traffic Management Company.
- Additional documents and supporting information as to the permission to occupy the SCR as outlined above including contact detail if applicable.