Trustee lease - Queensland


You will need this lease if you intend to use or occupy state land. Examples of uses that will be permitted under a trustee lease are:

  • commercial shopping centres
  • airports
  • sporting associations
  • universities
  • mines
  • circuses
  • showgrounds.

You may be required to submit a land management plan (LMP) as part of your application for a trustee lease.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for a trustee lease:

  • the trustee of the trust land must be a State or statutory body
  • the purpose of the trustee lease must be consistent with the purpose for the trust land being reserved
  • the lease must be consistent with the management plan of the trust land.


Up to 30 years


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

You do not need to pay an application fee.

Apply Licence All

The rental charged for any trustee lease or trustee permit shall be consistent with and have regard to the level of intensity of the use, the rent paid for similar uses on private land, the viability of the activity, the benefit to the community of the activity and the trustee lessee's or trustee permittee's particular circumstances.

Application process


Before applying for a trustee lease you must:

  • read and understand the secondary use of trust land policy
  • contact the department to confirm that the proposed lease will be considered,  if a land management plan is required and ensure you have the correct information to apply
  • negotiate a draft trustee lease.

It is also strongly recommended to read the Secondary Use of Trust Land policy.

To apply for a trustee lease you'll need:

  • a draft trustee lease document
  • copy of the land management plan if it exists or has been drafted.

If you submit the application online, you or a legal practitioner on your behalf, must also sign the form electronically.

If you submit the form via PDF, you will also need to include the trustee lease application form and the contact and land details application form.

Administering agency

Department of Resources

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.