Commercial other (subsidiary on-premises) licence - Queensland


You will need this licence if you sell liquor for on-premises consumption as a subsidiary or supplementary activity of your business (e.g. restaurants, cafes, vessels, indoor sporting centres, theatres, amusement parks, resorts, motels, food courts and function centres).

Liquor can be sold:

  • for consumption on your licensed premises
  • for consumption off your licensed premises in the course of catering to a function or if sold as part of a takeaway meal.

If you own a restaurant and hold an existing licence, you can apply for a permanent variation to your licence, which allows you to sell up to 1.5 litres of wine (equivalent to two bottles) with a takeaway meal. If you are a new restaurant licence applicant, you can also apply for a takeaway condition to be endorsed on your licence as part of the application process.

If the main activity of your business includes any of the following, specific conditions will apply:

  • providing meals prepared and served to be eaten on the premises (e.g. restaurants, cafes)
  • providing accommodation (e.g. motel, resort).

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this licence, you will need to be a fit and proper or suitable person.

To be eligible to sell wine with takeaway meals, you must:

  • be a licensed restaurant where the principal activity is serving meals on premises (licensed cafes are excluded)
  • ensure the responsible service and delivery of alcohol and accept several responsible service conditions on your licence
  • only sell the takeaway wine with a takeaway meal and not insubstantial takeaway food like snacks, hot chips or an entree
  • limit sales of takeaway wine to a maximum volume of 1.5 litres (or two bottles) - other alcoholic drinks cannot be sold as takeaway
  • only sell takeaway wine between 10am and 10pm.

You should also check you have the appropriate development approval on your licensed premises, as your development approval may restrict licenses from selling takeaway liquor. You will need to contact your local council to have the conditions amended if there are restrictions on your approval.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

You must comply with all the conditions listed on your licence. This includes responsibilities related to trading hours, safety, advertising and noise. You must not conduct business on the licensed premises other than that authorised by the licence.

A licensee or an approved manager may need to be at the premises during trading hours to ensure the responsible management of the licensed venue.


Until surrendered or cancelled


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
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View the current liquor and wine licence fees and charges.

Application process


To apply for a new licence, you must submit the following:

  • a completed Form 1: Application for a liquor licence
  • a completed Form 5: Personal details schedule for each individual who is a party to the application
  • a completed Form 6: Application for registration of financial interest and prescribed application fees (including the fee for criminal history check)
  • a layout plan (scale 1:100)
  • a location plan, town planning consent, a current title search, a registered plan of survey
  • a company extract showing all current directors (only if you are applying as a corporation).

You may also be required to submit:

In addition to the above, all applicants must undergo a criminal history and other relevant probity checks to hold a liquor licence. You may also be required to advertise your licence application.


You will need to complete Form 28: Application for temporary authority if your licensed premises are temporarily moving to a new location (e.g. if the current premises are being rebuilt, refurbished or is damaged by fire).

Transfer process


You can apply to transfer your licence by completing a Form 3: Application for transfer of a liquor licence. You should lodge your application for transfer six to eight weeks before the proposed settlement date to allow sufficient time for processing.

Please note that new business operators have no authority to sell and supply liquor until a transfer is approved and the applicant has become the licensee.

Additional information

Once your licence is granted, you can pay your annual fees and manage your details using OLGR's client portal.

You can also apply separately for additional licences or permits. 

Administering agency

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation

Licensing Division

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.