You will need this licence if you sell liquor for on-premises consumption as a subsidiary or supplementary activity of your business (e.g. restaurants, cafes, vessels, indoor sporting centres, theatres, amusement parks, resorts, motels, food courts and function centres).
Liquor can be sold:
- for consumption on your licensed premises
- for consumption off your licensed premises in the course of catering to a function or if sold as part of a takeaway meal.
If you own a restaurant and hold an existing licence, you can apply for a permanent variation to your licence, which allows you to sell up to 1.5 litres of wine (equivalent to two bottles) with a takeaway meal. If you are a new restaurant licence applicant, you can also apply for a takeaway condition to be endorsed on your licence as part of the application process.
If the main activity of your business includes any of the following, specific conditions will apply:
- providing meals prepared and served to be eaten on the premises (e.g. restaurants, cafes)
- providing accommodation (e.g. motel, resort).