Commercial public event permit - Queensland


You will need this permit if you intend to cater (e.g. supply liquor) for a public event away from your main licensed premises. You will need a permit for each new event.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.


If you have a catering endorsement on your licence, you may cater for private events or functions (e.g. boardroom lunch, 21st birthday) without requiring further permission.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for this permit, you must hold either a commercial hotel licence, nightclub licence, or commercial other (subsidiary on-premises) licence or commercial other (subsidiary off-premises) licence with a catering endorsement. If you hold an artisan producer licence, you may also be eligible for this permit to sell only liquor you have produced at a public event.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

You must prominently display the permit and conditions for the duration of the event or function. How and where you display the permit is at your discretion, provided it is prominent.


For the time or times stated on permit


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Amount Description
Apply Application All $103.40

Application for catering endorsement on licence. Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All $779.40

Application for commercial public event permit (one-off public event). $779.40 for the first day, $78.65 for each additional day. Fees for 2024-25

Apply Application All $103.40

Application for commercial public event permit (regular). Fees for 2024-25

Application process


To apply for a new permit, you must submit the following:

  • Form 13: Application for commercial public one-off event permit or Form 14: Application for commercial public event permit (regular) if you have entered into an agreement to sell or supply liquor on a regular basis in an event area
  • Form 18: Application for catering endorsement on licence (if you do not have a catering away endorsement on your licence). Please note that catering endorsement is not applicable for artisan producer licences.
  • an event management plan
  • the prescribed application fee(s)
  • a layout plan (scale 1:100).

The security requirements for your permit are determined on a case-by-case basis.

You must provide an event management plan for the event, showing consultation with police and local government (where appropriate) and satisfactory detail that:

  • the event will not unduly disturb local residents
  • you will comply with the principal activity of the licence
  • the event will not create an unsafe or unhealthy environment for patrons or employees
  • the area to which the commercial public event permit relates is properly defined.


This permit cannot be transferred.

Administering agency

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation

Licensing Division

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.