Community club licence - Queensland


You will need this licence if you operate a non-proprietary club and intend to sell liquor for consumption on or off premises to:

  • members of the club and their guests (while in the member's company)
  • members of other clubs with formal reciprocal rights and their guests (while in the member's company)
  • visitors playing a sport that is part of the club's business, including teams and officials, on the day which the sport is played
  • an interstate or overseas visitor
  • a visitor who resides at least 15km from the club (from 1 September 2021 to 30 June 2024, clubs can remove the visitor distance requirement - this is explained below)
  • a resident of the premises or guest of that resident.

You can only sell liquor for consumption on premises to the following:

  • a person who has submitted an application for club membership within the last 30 days
  • a person attending a function or club activity on the premises.

A non-proprietary club is an association where any income, profits and assets are used only to promote the objective of the club and are not distributed to its members. Examples of a non-proprietary club include a sporting club, RSL club or ethnic club.

A licence issued to a sporting club may also include additional premises (on application) for occasional use, providing the club owns or legally occupies the additional premises. The sale of liquor on the other premises may occur only for events where the sport or game of the club is being played.

Service type


A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity.

Eligibility requirements

You will need to be either an incorporated association or an individual who can hold the licence on behalf of an unincorporated association. If an unincorporated association becomes incorporated, you must transfer the licence to the club with 3 months.

You will also need to be a fit and proper or suitable person.

Ongoing eligibility requirements

You must comply with all the conditions listed on your licence. This includes responsibilities related to trading hours, safety, advertising and noise. You must not conduct business on the licensed premises other than that authorised by the licence.

Relaxation of distance criteria for visitors

From 1 September 2021, the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) trialled relaxing the requirements relating to:

  • distance criteria, and
  • maintaining a register of members and all visitors to community clubs. 

The relaxation has been extended until 31 March 2025 to allow the Government to consider the trail outcomes and any possible legislative amendments.

Ordinarily, community club licensees can only sell liquor to visitors who live more than 15km from their premises (except for members and their guests). This relaxation of distance criteria allows community club licensees to sell liquor to visitors no matter how far away they live. Clubs also aren't required to keep records of guests and visitors under the relaxed criteria.

A visitor is someone who physically attends the club and consumes liquor on the premises or purchases takeaway liquor.

Relaxing your club's criteria is voluntary - you don't need to notify OLGR. 

Read the statement of regulatory intent for more information.


Until surrendered or cancelled


Fees Details for this service in table format.

Task Type Business Structure Description
Apply Application All

View the current liquor and wine licence fees and charges.

Other resources

Application process


To apply for a new licence you must submit the following to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR):

  • a completed Form 1: Application for a liquor licence
  • a completed Form 5: Personal details schedule (for each individual on the application)
  • a completed Form 6: Application for registration of financial interest  
  • prescribed application fees (including the fee for criminal history check)
  • a layout plan (scale 1:100)
  • a location plan
  • town planning consent
  • a current title search
  • a registered plan of survey
  • constitution (or memorandum and articles of association)
  • financial statements
  • certificate of incorporation.

You may also be required to submit:

In addition to the above, all applicants must undergo a criminal history and other relevant probity checks to hold a liquor licence. You may also be required to advertise your licence application.


You will need to complete Form 28: Application for temporary authority if your licensed premises are temporarily moving to a new location (e.g. if the current premises are being rebuilt, refurbished or is damaged by fire).

Transfer process


You can apply to transfer your licence by completing a Form 3: Application for transfer of a liquor licence. You should lodge your application for transfer six to eight weeks before the proposed settlement date to allow sufficient time for processing.

Please note that new business operators have no authority to sell and supply liquor until a transfer is approved and the applicant has become the licensee.

Additional information

Once your licence is granted, you can pay your annual fees and manage your details using OLGR's client portal.

You can also apply separately for additional licences or permits.

Administering agency

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation

Licensing Division

Contact details

Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data.